



开始一份新工作? 7 Tips for Working from 首页 in a New Role



After graduating from 德大学,明矾 马可·鲁伊斯 received an exciting career opportunity. 一家财富50强公司为他提供了一份与他的教育背景和工作经验完美匹配的职位. 他唯一的挑战是:他必须在全球大流行期间搬到全国各地,开始这项工作.

How did Ruiz make it happen? 探索他的建议在家工作和成功地开始一份新工作-无论情况如何.


On March 4, 2020, as Covid-19 tossed the world into 不确定性那天,鲁伊斯走进了他在劳氏公司的新办公室. headquarters in Mooresville, 北卡罗莱纳, ready to begin his job as a workforce management consultant. 这个角色, which focuses on a mixture of change management, human resources and IT, 标志着Ruiz令人兴奋的下一个篇章,他于2019年11月从DeVry毕业,获得了学士学位 业务 Administration 专门从事 人力资源.

他开始了这份工作,并开始适应工作两个星期后,一切都变了. 鲁伊斯说:“我们开了一些会,我在办公室呆了一会儿,然后就发现了新冠病毒。. “我在美国新冠肺炎疫情最严重的时候开始在劳氏工作.S.当时学校正在关闭,公司开始要求所有人远程工作.”

尽管出乎意料, Ruiz eventually adjusted to remote work, but had to take critical steps to succeed as a new employee. 以下是鲁伊斯在家工作的7条建议,它们帮助鲁伊斯在新的岗位上茁壮成长, remain positive and continue to pursue his dreams:

1. 拥抱不确定性

要在一家新公司取得成功,特别是在压力大的大流行期间,它可以帮助保持 成长型思维, but that may feel challenging if you’re constantly 战斗的焦虑 or fear of the unknown.

Instead of occupying precious time with unsolvable worries, Ruiz suggests a small yet crucial mental shift: “拥抱不确定性. Uncertainty is perpetual,” he says. “Even the things we feel are certain can change, so the moment you realize that no matter how much you plan, life will always be uncertain, taking a risk won’t feel so outlandish.”

这就是Ruiz适应的心态,他抓住了Lowe 's的机会,迅速卖掉了他的房子, 买了一套新房子,带着妻子和四个6岁的孩子从德克萨斯州搬到了北卡罗来纳州, 13, 14和17. Accepting 不确定性 has helped him stay productive and focus on work-from-home strategies instead of being distracted by factors beyond his control. 如果你开始一份新工作或获得新机会,可以考虑采用类似的方法.

2. 寻求帮助

虽然给人留下良好的第一印象可能是新员工的共同目标, don’t be afraid to ask questions as you orient yourself, 鲁伊斯说. 在他的早期 在家办公每当他需要澄清项目细节时,他就会联系他的经理和同事.

Avoid the temptation to not ask for the information or help you need, 他警告说:“寻求帮助会让你离成功更远,而不是一味地讨好, 做你能做的,希望你能不犯错误地完成工作,鲁伊斯说. “当我告诉老板我不明白的事情时,他实际上很欣赏我的坦率. 主动寻求帮助会显示出你有更高的情商,而不是只会即兴发挥.”

3. 构建新网络

即使在社会疏远的时代,鲁伊斯仍然在公司里培养人际关系. 无论你是刚毕业开始一份新工作的人,还是即将开始第一次实习的学生, 发现 the right support to reach your goals can start with building a professional network.

“无论你多么努力工作,努力工作可能并不总是提升你的东西. It’s all about building your network,鲁伊斯说.

If you’re starting a new job remotely, 考虑一下他关于在家工作的一条建议:“因为很多工作都是远程的, 我试着利用那些我可以与人接触并进行额外交谈的时刻,鲁伊斯说. “还没有多少人知道我是谁,所以我努力自我介绍.”

Hop on Microsoft Teams 或者Zoom与同事甚至部门外的同事聊天, 鲁伊斯建议说,因为“建立一个了解你的成果和你能为团队或组织带来的成功的网络并没有错.”

4. Create Consistent Outcomes

一旦你和队友聊天,为一个坚实的职业网络奠定了基础, 通过完成高质量的工作并与新同事分享,“开始创造一致的成果”, 鲁伊斯建议.

要做到这一点, 他保持着严格的日程安排,并以早早开始工作而闻名——这是他磨练和发展的习惯 while studying at DeVry.

“I’ve had to be extra disciplined, 完成我的工作, 保持一致并产生良好的结果,特别是在大流行期间适应新公司的过程中,鲁伊斯说.

Set realistic expectations and deadlines, explore professional tools for success and “do your best to excel in projects that speak for you,” he adds. 这可以帮助新员工在开始一份远程工作和团队建设的新工作时建立良好的声誉.

5. Eat Lunch or a Snack—No Matter Your Schedule

“This one sounds so simple yet it’s easy to overlook,鲁伊斯说. “I always take my lunch, even if I only have 15 or 20 minutes.” Block off time in your schedule and 准备吃饭 for the day in advance. He also recommends keeping healthy snacks on hand. 鲁伊斯最喜欢的速食之一:一个鳄梨,一小撮盐和大蒜.

6. Set a Time to Log Off and Stick to It

Similar to practicing proper nutrition, 鲁伊斯理解在创造机会的同时创造实际边界的重要性. This can be particularly helpful for anyone who has to balance competing priorities such as work, school and family. To set firm boundaries, Ruiz uses dinner as his hard cut-off time. 这意味着在8小时工作日结束时,电脑会关闭或进入睡眠模式.

“At home, it’s so easy to just keep sitting on the computer all day. But you have to walk away,” says Ruiz, who stops working by 6 p.m. so he can enjoy dinner and evening walks with his wife and children. “Set a schedule, create a plan and stick to it.”

7. Organize and Personalize Your Workspace

在流感大流行期间,在家工作的一个意想不到的好处是,可以自由地设计适合自己个性的工作空间. When Ruiz moved into his new home in 北卡罗莱纳, he was thrilled to have enough space for a full office, which he decorated with his favorite comic book memorabilia. “我最近用我所有的人偶设计了我的家庭办公室,这真的让我很开心,鲁伊斯说.

开始一份新工作可能是个性化你的家庭工作空间的一个很好的理由. Even if you don’t have the square footage for an office, try out some 创意 such as work nooks or space-saving desks. 你可能会惊讶于即使是最小的改变也能产生多大的影响.

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